Using JSFiddle to code javascript is the worst. Why? Simply because of the error checking process. If a bracket, parenthesis, etc is missing its other half the only indication comes when you run the code and are returned “Expected ‘;’...
To me, software engineering ethics means producing robust quality code that you won’t regret writing. What constitutes harrassment online can be diffcult to define and exponentially more difficult to prevent. Twitch is a website on which people stream, live broadcast,...
Meteor’s a fickle friend. You never seem to know what the day will be like with Meteor. One day will be great; workable run times, no errors you can’t exactly pinpoint. The next you can’t type two lines without a...
The time I spent this past week on FreeCodeCamp was not my first time with Javascript. During the summer of 2013 I used CodeAcademy to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript so I could build a website for my school’s...