Meteor’s a fickle friend. You never seem to know what the day will be like with Meteor. One day will be great; workable run times, no errors you can’t exactly pinpoint. The next you can’t type two lines without a pop-up message telling you something’s wrong.
The first time I tried to run Meteor it took ten minutes. I didn’t know it I did something wrong during installation or if that was a normal length of time with 8GB RAM. What followed in the next two weeks was a day-to-day rocky relationship.
One day early in the second week, after having a great day with Meteor the day before, I couldn’t get Meteor to respond. Eslintrc couldn’t find my Node.js file. Every save I enacted came with the addition of the same error message.I hadn’t touched the Node.js file since its download and didn’t know why it suddenly could not be found. During class,the instructor and I verified Node.js was installed, but could not find the file. So, in lieu of a needle hunt through my harddrive, Node.js was unistalled and reinstalled. Its location was known again, and Meteor ran like normal.
Every time I begin a new project with Meteor it takes an obscene amount of time to run for the first time. After that initial run, Meteor does speed up (or its just Stockholm Syndrome) and is able to run in under five minutes. However, that first time is never the last first time.